Monsanto Fund donates to Churdan library building fund

The Churdan public library has received a $2,500 donation from America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund and directed by a local farmer who prefers to remain anonymous of Greene County.

The donation will help the organization reach the library’s goal of enlarging the current facility. The 1000 square foot addition will allow the library to update several areas of the building that need to be upgraded to meet current ADA standards, as well as provide additional programming and technological space. The fundraising project has been ongoing for 18 months. The project currently has raised almost one-third of its projected goal.

When the farmer was asked about why he chose to donate to the library he said, “I thought this would help the entire community from the very young to the very old.”

“The library is very appreciative of this generous donation. It will bring us even closer to our goal,” said a library spokesperson.

(from left) Sandy Kersey, library staff; Marilyn Tilley, youth services director; Shari Minnehan, library director; and Joyce Clark, library board secretary
(from left) Sandy Kersey, library staff; Marilyn Tilley, youth services director; Shari Minnehan, library director; and Joyce Clark, library board secretary

For six years, America’s Farmers Grow Communities has collaborated with farmers to donate more than $22 million to more than 8,000 community organizations across rural America. Winning farmers will direct donations to nonprofits to help fight rural hunger, purchase life saving fire and EMS equipment, support ag youth leadership programs, buy much needed classroom resources, and  much more.


America’s Farmers Grow Communities partners with farmers to support local nonprofit causes that positively impact farming communities across rural America. Grow Communities is one program in the America’s Farmers community outreach effort, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. Other programs include America’s Farmers Grow Ag Leaders, which encourages rural youth to remain in agriculture and provides $1,500 college scholarships to high school and college students pursuing ag-related degrees and America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education, which works with farmers to nominate rural school districts to compete for $10,000 and $25,000 math and science grants.

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